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Waxing Services

Brazilian...........................$60 -$70 



alone or $5 with any other service

Half arm..........................$25

Full arm...........................$30- $50

Full leg.............................$70

Half leg upper................$45

Half leg lower.................$35

Upper leg w/ Bikini........$65

Lower leg w/Bikini.........$65

Full Leg w/Bikini.............$95 

Full Leg w/Brazilian........$125

Eye Brows.......................$15

Upper lip.........................$10

alone or $5 with any other service

Lip and Brow...................$15 



Face & Brows...................$25 


Under arms......................$15

Bikini................................$25 -$40

A basic bikini wax - removes the hair from any area exposed by a typical bathing suit. This includes the top and sides of the bikini line as well as the inner thighs, if necessary. 


The Brazilian wax takes it a step further, removing hair from the entire region, front to back.  




Avoid an appointment within a week of menstruation, when the skin is most sensitive, 


Taking an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen 30 minutes before hand can help reduce pain and swelling that may result.


It is highly recommended that the hair be 1/4 inch long for the most effective wax. 


Lightly exfoliate skin a day before waxing. 




Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds.  If you must be in the sun use a minimum of SPF 15.   Avoid tight clothing, intercourse, steamy saunas, hot tubs and chlorinated water for 24 hours 


48 hours after waxing, start lightly exfoliating area. Waxing pulls hair out by the root so when it grows back it grows in finer and if you have dead skin blocking hair and it can cause ingrown hairs. Moisturize area, avoid scented lotions. If you are still feeling irritated apply hydrocortisone or aquaphor to area.


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